Our Vision and mission

By introducing and introducing cutting-edge decarbonization-related technologies from around the world to Japan, we will make Japan greener.
By introducing and introducing cutting-edge decarbonization-related technologies from around the world to Japan, we will transform Japan into a greener country (Green Transformation).
What is GreenBridgeSolutions(GBS)?
Decarbonization and advanced energy technologies contributing to the environment really costly?
In order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, which is the target of major developed countries, the rapid diffusion of environment-related technologies is indispensable.
On the other hand, investment in environment-related technologies is still seen as a significant burden by companies.
While it is currently true that the development and introduction of environmental technologies is costly, GBS aims to shift from a negative thought that “environmental technology is an additional cost” to a positive idea of “balancing business and the dissemination of environmental technology”.
Aiming for a balance between environmental technology and economic efficiency:
The cost of all new technologies is related to their peneteratiobn rate, and past diffusion processes of LSI, LCD, IOT devices, Renewable energy etc. have proven that when the penetration rate exceeds a certain lavel, significant cost reductions are occur due to “Economic of scale”.
In order to leave a clean environment for the next generation, GBS works with the aim of balancing economic efficiency with its mission of becoming a cordinater (Bridge) between environmental technology (Green) and solving social problems in Japan (Solutions).
Activities of Green Bridge Solutions
We will accelerate the decarbonization of Japan by introducing overseas cleantech technologies to the Japan market
Examples of Green Technologies Handled

Power Storage


Green energy