Connecting overseas decarbonization technology and the Japanese market…
That is GBS’s business model.
Access to Japanese market
Japan is the third largest country in the world in terms of GDP, and it is estimated that about 150 trillion yen of energy-related investment will be made by the government and the private sector over the next 10 years (White Paper on Economic Affairs).
Such a huge market is attractive and you want to access it at all costs, but there are bottlenecks such as:
・ Differences in cultural customs (including business customs and business practices)
・ Language characteristics (high-context communication)
・ Proprietary regulations and laws related to business, labor, and company management (need for localization)
Establishing your own base and starting activities from scratch will require you to conduct long-term corporate activities while learning the above bottlenecks one by one, which will impose a heavy burden on you in terms of time and money.
GBS has a team of employees who have extensive experience working overseas and in foreign companies, as well as employees who have worked in the Japan energy market for many years.
GBS can reduce your wasted initial investment, promote your technology as a representative in Japan, and work with you on a “shared success reward structure”.
If you would like to know more about GBS’s services and compensation structure, please contact us using the contact form.

Introduction of technology from overseas
In the past, we believe that one of the outstanding characteristics of Japanese companies was their “independent development of technology.”
This policy produced excellent technology and spread Japanese products around the world.
However, in recent years, it has been said that excessive self-sufficiency has robbed Japanese companies of speed and diverse possibilities in management and technological development. This trend is particularly visible in the commercialization of digital products and advanced technologies.
The following are things we should know about technology development;
・The time it took for a technology to spread to 30% of the population in Japan was 50 years for electric power, 13 years for mobile phones, 7 years for the Internet, and 4 years for smartphones. It is no exaggeration to say that technological development is a race against time.
・The average stock price of clean energy companies on NASDAQ is two to three times that of general energy companies, proving that investors value the future potential of environment-related technologies.
・According to a survey by the Ministry of the Environment, approximately 〜70% of financial institutions responded that they either make a company’s environmental efforts one of the evaluation conditions for loans or will add it to the evaluation factors in the future.
・Sweden, which introduced the world’s first carbon tax in 1991, has since achieved “decoupling of economic growth and CO2 reduction” through CO2 reduction and GDP growth, proving that decarbonization activities do not necessarily hinder economic growth. Drastic energy transition and carbon pricing have the potential to create new environmental businesses.
In light of the above, one of the winning formulas is to “launch new environmental technologies in a short period of time,” and the best way to “buy time” is to introduce external technologies and form wide-ranging partnerships without relying on self-reliance.
GBS, including its group consulting firms, will support introducing the best technologies to meet your company’s potential needs, or research overseas technologies.